Monday, December 27, 2010

in medias res

I don't know where all this began so I'll just start where I am: Living a bedroom in a friends house, definitely til March but maybe til May. My housing options are limited by an eviction ( a story for another blog but I promise I'll tell it) and by my status as a displaced worker (which means I am unemployed. Long term unemployed.) Homelessness is a real possibility if I don't get a job soon. I am scared shitless and I am desperate. I've lost almost everything, in the wake of losing my job: my good name, my income, my credit rating, my living space, my confidence in the future, my belief in my ability to effect my own destiny, my connection with the working world, my sense of time, my relationship with my family and so much more. It's a gift that keeps on giving.

What I still have: My truck, my clothes, my books, my guitars and my cats. And my armour.

I've never been without work this long in my life. It is very disorienting. There is no feedback to tell me what I should do differently. I've had my resume checked out by professionals. They say it is very strong and have few suggestions to "fix" it. What the fuck ever.

I don't sleep very well. I never was that good at it but it's gotten much worse. I mean, it's four thirty AM and I'm writing a blog post. Ambien which has worked so well for so long doesn't always work these days. No doubt I've built up a tolerance. Nothing else works. Really, I've tried everything.

I've also lost about 20 pounds, weight I could stand to lose but not because I can't eat because I am broke and stressed out.

My biggest worry is the cats. They are dependent on me and I have to take care of them. Frankly, if it weren't for them, I'd probably have killed myself by now. I am really sick and tired of my life. Terror just gets boring after a while. Suicide seems a reasonable choice under the circumstances. Hence the name of this blog. But the cats, they really need me. They also love me and I love them. They are my babies. So I keep on going. I worry though because I haven't got a job and I don't know where I am going to be living in a few months.

I have many, many people who care about me and for some really unfathomable reason they want me around. I'm alienated from my family of origin yet I have an abundance of friends who love me. It makes deciding to live a little easier. It also makes me weep with a combination of longing, gratitude, love and utterly inconsolable grief. Estrangement from my mother particularly hurts.

I think that is enough for a first post. There will be more, I'm sure.

If I'm posting, at least we'll know I'm still alive, right?

Good night, all.


  1. As someone who's had a friend commit suicide while he had a perfectly good job and reasonable life otherwise, it can be a chemical thing too.
    See if you can get on some of the medical care for the unemployed programs and maybe the right chemicals can help even you out a little. If not st johns wart might help a little. It's a desperately ugly time to be out of work, stick in there and keep trying to get a shoe in edgewise. Despite the ugliness of being out of work, the world would be a smaller less wonderful place without you in it.


  2. This may be a ridiculous question, but have you considered substitute teaching?

  3. This is some scary stuff. Want to meet me for an early lunch tomorrow? 512-820-4826

  4. Totally off subject, I accidentally bought 2 or 3 - 12"* 24" sheets of .040 (19g) 304 stainless, it was supposed to be 14g for helm parts. You want them?
    Also if you want therapeutic metal hammering (something I'm fond of) you can use my shop to do work when Gastons is closed, just drop me a line.
    Armoring is good for the soul I've also got scads of Abs in various thicknesses you are welcome to use. Caladin

  5. Cal - sure I could use the stuff. I need to make some new armour. Light weight is good. That sounds like enough to make almost a full spring stainless harness.
